Grizonat Coc Bucle
Grizonat Coc Bucle
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Grizonat Coc Bucle
Grizonat Coc Bucle

Curled bun Grey


Attachable bun made out of curled synthetic fiber toned Grey.

This bun made of synthetic curled hair will offer you a perfect look with a minimum of effort. You grab your hair, attach the "false" bun with the help of two combs inside it. One minute and your hairstyle is done!

The attachable bun will be untraceable because the fiber that is made of, imitates 90% natural hair.


Cod toned: 8SP10
Tip Par: Fibra Sintetica
Textura Par: Ondulat
Mod de aplicare: Pieptani
Termorezistent: nu
Vopsire: nu
Dimensiune: Lungime: 20 cm; width: 15 cm

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